Friday, May 25, 2012

Accessories the more the better, Weekly tech blog: week 3

As a smart phone hacker i have picked up a lot of accessories and explain what they are for i will start with the top left first you will see a smart phone Micro Sd card and a card adapter, this is very basic i use a 16gb class 4 micro sd card for my phone. Just under the micro sd card is micro USB flash drive 16gb this little guy holds all my ROM, and other Hacking software,  Just under the flash drive is a micro sd card to usb converter. this converter is a must if you are a hacker there are many times you need to move ROM to a sd card this really saves me when a ROM fails to flash and i have to try a different ROM. Next to the Micro sd card is my head phones nothing special about these but they are the rap around ear style which works great. next to the head phones is a male to male head phone cable. My phone is my only portable music device i use it everywhere next to that is a mono to stereo head phone cable once again used for music both in my truck and for my home stereo system. just be low the mono to stereo cable is my cell phone ear piece and its charger I use a Jaw Bone Aliph Prime in ear bud. just below that is a solar charger and its cables. I don't know what model it is i got it on ebay but it does not work well and i have not really used it. When buying a solar charger be sure to spend more then 10$ because i got what i paid for. when i upgrade i will be sure to update this blog under the solar charger is spare batteries. I own 3 batteries for my phone they come in handy when if you use a smart phone as much as i do and they were only about 6$ a piece on Ebay. to the right of the batteries is charger for just the batteries. To the left of the batteries are a is my main USB cable its a gold tipped 18" cable I also have a retractable usb cable that i often use in my car. last is the wall usb adapter and the double usb car adapter what i love about this is i can charge my cell and my headset at the same time always good to have lots of usb ports. the last item are my smart gloves. They are maid to use with a smart phone by carrying the electrical current from hand to the touch screen.    

Friday, May 18, 2012

learning while hacking , Weekly tech bolg: week 2

I often get asked why how I learned how to Hack cellphones. The answer is I'm still learning while I'm hacking. Almost 4 years ago I upgraded to my first smart phone. It was a windows mobile phone because Android was not out yet and I didn't want an Iphone. There a few problems with the UI of the old Windows Mobile 6 it was really built for a stylus and but it had a touch screen. However what I really hated was that Verizon had decide to lock down the GPS navigation radio and if you paid a monthly fee they would unlock it. Now the idea that I have to pay extra for an tool built into my phone is unreasoning so I stared looking into how I could unlock it myself and I after a lot of research I found a few howto's and just went for it. It took a few tries and but it worked and i have been learning ever sense. I have rooted more phones then i can remember, I have installed custom, kernels, radios, and recoveries, I have beta tested for both apps and ROMs, I have walked friends through their first Roots, ROM, etc. I have be come the go to for all my friends on all smart phones issues. I have fixed broken phones replaced parts in my own phone, and even bricked a few phones thankfully only my own. All this and I still have a lot to learn.
These are some of the things i still plan to learn.
1. How to use Linux
2. How to build my own custom ROMs 

I would would advice anyone that wants to to try rooting an android phone to just go for it you will not regret learning something new and pushing yourself.

Friday, May 11, 2012

I be Hacking, they be hate'n: Weekly tech bolg: week 1

I have been supper busy with college but sense my semester is just a few days from being over i need to something to fill my free time. So i have deiced to write a weekly blog about the daily life of a self proclaimed hacker. This weeks might me more of a rant then anything informative.

When I post online about my phone having issues its more of a psa in case someone is trying to call me. I don't care if haters want to tell me i should not mess with my phone because it might brick it. im sad that you are afraid of the the little computer in your pocket, however Im not. Telling me to stop hacking is like tell a mechanic to stop working on cars because his own car might break down. its points less. I have been modding phones for over 3 years now and its a game where you never stop learning. It is common for hacked roms to have a few issues its part of testing software. On top of that i have taking things apart and learning about how they work, modding them, and fixing them sense i was a kid. Modding is in my blood its why im an engineer by trade. there is no other way for me to live its that simple. so go a head and hate i will be over here modding and hacking away.

Tetris Monkey